What causes hair loss?

Do you ever think: "Is my hair falling out?" after a shower or looking at your hairbrush? You're not alone if you're worried about too much hair in the drain or clinging to your brush. Many guys go through this phase thinking about the beginning stages of hair loss.

Here's a look at some of the most common causes of male hair loss.

Male pattern baldness

Male pattern baldness, often called androgenetic alopecia by the doctor, is the most common hair loss cause in men. This is due to changes in the body. This refers to the androgen steroid DHT, which is produced as a by-product of testosterone. DHT affects the quality and integrity of the hair follicles.

Although you may not notice symptoms until later, the disease starts in your twenties or thirties. By the age of 50, almost half of men have hair loss.

A receding hairline is one of the earliest indicators of hair loss. You can also lose hair due to balding of the vertex, which appears as a bald area around the crown of your head.

Hair loss due to stress

Excessive stress in your life can also cause hair loss. Stress-related hair loss is known as telogen effluvium and is not as common as male pattern baldness. If you have had a traumatic incident in your life or have been under a lot of physical or psychological stress for a long time, you may see signs of hair loss. It can start as a result of a single event or emotional problems, surgery or illness.

Instead of showing signs of male pattern baldness, this type of hair loss immediately affects your entire head. When your hair falls out as a result of telogen depletion, your entire head of hair appears thinner and less healthy than before.

Dietary disadvantages

Telogen effluvium may occur not just in stressful situations. This hair loss can also be caused by malnutrition or other nutritional disorders. Crash diets and eating disorders are the most common causes of diet-related telogen depletion. It can occur as a result of rapid weight loss or because you have stopped eating as much as you should because of stress.

Hair loss can be a sign that you are not getting enough nutrients in your diet. Iron, zinc, vitamin D and biotin are specific vitamins and minerals associated with hair development. If you are not getting enough of these in your diet, you will notice that your hair is falling out quickly.


Hair loss is an adverse effect of certain medicines. These prescription and over-the-counter medicines change the hair development cycle, causing hair to fall out more than it grows.

Cancer treatment is the most common cause of hair loss. However, it can also happen with medicines used to treat heart disease and high blood pressure. Blood thinners, beta blockers, anticonvulsants, amphetamines, anti-thyroid drugs and oral retinoids are other examples of such treatments.

Medical condition

Medical problems such as drugs and stress can also cause hair loss. Diabetes, thyroid disease, anaemia and lupus erythematosus are some of the most common health problems associated with hair loss. Autoimmune diseases can cause alopecia areata, a condition in which the body's immune system attacks the hair follicles. Instead of recognising male pattern baldness, such loss is often spherical and patchy.

Hair care accessories

Did you realise that the grooming and styling products you use can cause hair loss? Most of these items are perfectly safe. On the other hand, some shampoos, hair dye products, chemicals and styling products can really harm your scalp and hair. This hair loss is usually only temporary. When you stop using harmful products, natural hair growth usually resumes.

Learn more about the causes of hair loss and hair loss treatments

If you are worried about hair loss, it is best to consult hair restoration specialist. A doctor specialising in hair loss and hair restoration therapies can assess your problem and provide treatment to restore the appearance of new and healthy thicker hair.

Dr Andrejs Milčevskis, an expert in hair restoration in Latvia, offers various treatment options, including:

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP)

Hair transplantation

Other procedures

Schedule a face-to-face or WhatsApp appointments via Rubenhair clinic specialists to understand the source of hair loss and explore different treatment options. Call us on +371 267 777 76.
